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Almost There!

These last few weeks have been a roller coaster. I’m getting ready for graduation, job searching and looking ahead as well as scrambling to complete assignments and course work.

The other day I had an epiphany though. I have been so excited about finishing my 18th grade so to speak, that I have been completely ignoring how hard it will be to leave the safety and comfort of my life here. The people at William and Mary, and especially my coworkers at my internship, have created such a wonderful environment for me to grow. If I’m honest with myself, part of me doesn’t really want to leave. Even though growing and changing into a new part of life is exciting, I worry about whether I will be able to find a new home in my first residency job. There is some famous quote that says luck is where opportunity meets preparation. I know that William and Mary has helped me with the preparation part, and now I will just have to go out and find the opportunities.